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Honesty & Love Prevail!

Kelli Arbuckle

February is a month of birthdays in our family. In fact, my husband shares his birthday with Abraham Lincoln, 2/12. We have often referred to him as “honest Arbuckle”, similar to “honest Abe”. At times, his truth-telling can be uncomfortable and convicting. Honesty is being free from deceit or untruthfulness, being sincere. Our Christian walk should be one marked with integrity and honesty, but since we live in a fallen world, where “white lies” can run rampant, those that walk in truth are sometimes few and far between. At times growing up, I was taught it best to tell a little lie to spare people from hurt feelings. As I have grown in my faith walk, I feel a strong conviction when I am being dishonest.

“For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man.” 2 Corinthians 8:21

If it’s true that we are a walking testimony for the kingdom of God, then how must we walk in truth and love with our families, in our workplace, or interacting with neighbors? Matthew 7:16 tells us that we are known by our fruit. And if we are known by our fruit, then why do we walk through life wearing a mask? When people ask in passing how we are, and our cookie-cutter answer is “I’m fine”. Isn’t this, too, a version of a “white lie” if you are truly unwell? We feel that transparency makes us weak so we isolate and fail to speak our truth. When we pretend we are “fine”, we are missing out on developing honest relationships.

Let’s dig deeper with some thoughtful questions to ponder:

What would it look like to be honest with God?

  • Of course, He already knows everything…our struggles, insecurities, shortcomings, and the little “white lies”. A cleansed heart removes our pride and restores our relationship with the Father. It helps us with perspective and at times we can see ourselves through the lens in which God sees us.

What would it look like to be candid and truthful about how you are doing with a close friend?

  • Perhaps, picking up the phone and telling someone you are struggling and in need of prayer. Often times they sense it and a relationship will grow deeper when we choose to remove our mask and be vulnerable.

How can you come alongside a friend, neighbor or co-worker who is stumbling in their truth-walk?

  • If you are observing some inconsistencies, how can you confront that person in truth and love? This must be done without condemnation. We are not here to convict but to bring to light what we see happening in darkness. Developing honesty and realness in our relationships breaks down the need for pretending. This takes our superficial relationships and turns them into spiritual friendships.

How might a coach help you to remove your mask and own your truth?

  • As Christian coaches, we are aware that each of us is a child of God and has a unique path. When we walk around worrying or feeling that we aren’t living up to our full potential, we remain stuck and continue to wear our mask clinging to the “I’m fine” mentality. In our coaching time together, you are encouraged to speak your truth without judgment or condemnation. It is a safe place for you to discover all that God has for you in this season of life.

Lastly, a FREE 20-minute Discovery Call might be the perfect next step for you! Be encouraged that when you share your story with us, we will be honest and let you know if coaching is the right fit for you.

P.S. Happy birthday to my amazing husband! Honestly, you are the best!


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