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Kelli Arbuckle

This week has taken a toll. It started with the news that Kobe Bryant, his daughter, as well as seven others were tragically killed in a helicopter crash. Additionally, a military plane went down in Afghanistan killing two American servicemen. No, I did not know anyone involved personally, but as a wife and mom, I grieved. At times, I have been known to feel too deeply, this was one of those times. I watched the news for far too long that Sunday and felt myself sinking into a pit of deep sadness. Then on Monday, the world was reminded of the space shuttle Challenger disaster that occurred 34 years ago. In 1986, I was a college sophomore. This was the first time I could remember watching with sheer excitement as the launch ensued only to tragically break apart a mere 73 seconds into the flight killing all seven crew members. Again deep sadness. Today, I was reminded in my quiet time with the Lord that He knows all and it is with Him that I must place my hope. He is Omnipresent, present everywhere at the same time, and Omniscient or all-knowing.

Psalm 139:16 says “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

The Lord knows when we will all take our last breaths. This, somehow, brings me comfort. As a world, we will continue to mourn every tragedy and pray for the loved ones left behind. But for those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ, we know that all who perish are now with our Heavenly Father in paradise. I recently heard an amazing acronym for HOPE.

H old

O n

P ain

E nds

We endure many hardships in this world, but someday our pain and suffering will come to an end.

“God will help you overflow with hope in Him through the Holy Spirit’s power within you." (Romans 15:13)

"God’s hope pours into your world. Upon the sick, he shines the ray of healing. To the bereaved, he gives the promise of reunion. For the dying, he lit the flame of resurrection. To the confused, he offers the light of Scripture. God gives hope, and he is filling your cup to overflowing.”— from Traveling Light by Max Lucado.

In conclusion, here’s what I know. We are not promised tomorrow, so we must show up for our lives each day. This is not a dress rehearsal. Love sincerely. Forgive often. If you need to make a change, do it. Don’t miss out on God-ordained opportunities for your life. We all have a calling. Your unique path is waiting for you! As coaches, we would love to be of assistance in any way we can. Whether it’s walking through grief or bravely stepping out in faith to pursue your calling. We would love to chat on our FREE Discovery Call. You don't have to journey through this life alone.


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