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Who is on the Throne this Holiday Season?

Kelli Arbuckle

Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, we find ourselves in the rush of the Holiday Season. The tension of the “to-do” list is ever-present. We begin with the Black Friday madness, followed by the tree and house decorating. Boxes of seasonal décor now have become the décor of my home as they sit waiting for me to take the time to strategically place each item. As I was glaring at my unopened decorations, I pondered a question, why am I allowing this stress? Do I worry too much about what other people think? Will they judge me if I opt to simplify this Holiday Season? And that's when I decided that this year I would adopt the idea of a minimalist Christmas, where less, truly is more. Where what really matters is at the top of my "to-do" list.

As I stared at the boxes, I thought to myself, if Jesus is the "reason for the season", why is He not on the throne today and every day?

I took a deep cleansing breath and started setting up my Nativity scene. A sense of calm began to set in. Words from a podcast, Middays with Susie Larson, came into my heart…small, simple, gracious. If the small act of setting up my nativity brought forth peace, what other ways could I simplify and put Jesus back on the Throne?

From my heart and home to you, here are some thoughts to help introduce small, simple, & gracious into your December, where Jesus can remain on His Throne.

  • What would it look like if we reframed the Holidays and went back to the Old English meaning of "Holy Days"? Whether it’s participating in and celebrating Advent or spending some quiet time each day in the bible; the Book of Luke has 24 chapters and many of my friends are reading a chapter a day with the crescendo being Christmas Eve. The point is to put Jesus back on His rightful throne of your life. This small step could bring forth a new seasonal perspective and perhaps some much-needed peace.

  • How about spreading some Merriment this season? It’s a simple act to send a text or call someone who might be on your heart. Your thoughtful act may be the answer to someone else’s prayer. Be merry and let your light shine bright!

  • How about giving yourself some grace this season? Take a long hard look at your obligations, which ones can be delegated and which ones can you say “no” to. While that holiday parade sounded fun a month ago, a quiet evening at home with a Hallmark Christmas movie may do more to restore your soul.

As you walk through December, remember that each day brings choices and challenges. By removing yourself and your “to-do” list from the throne, you may begin to truly enjoy the season. As for my boxes of decorations, some items found their places and some are packed away for next year. I have peace about it. If you are struggling to find your joy, please consider a Free Discovery Call or our Holiday Harmony Package (see our website for details). We would love to help! Finally, remember that Jesus is King and His right place is on the throne of your heart and home! Enjoy this beautiful and magical time of year! God bless!


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